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foxwizard ☾

🍂 Navigate the internet like a wizard

What you subsume shapes what you presume.

Note! This symbol 🍂 denotes that you are reading An Olde Musing, from the before times. I’ve resurrected it here because it may still hold some merit—but beware; my thinking will have likely progressed since originally posting this. There may also be some links that no longer work. Enjoy. 🧡

In my last musing shared my thoughts on ‘personal branding’ with you—so that I could promote the wisdom of ‘character development’ as a better alternative.

// Where to now? //

Thanks for being here · I’m foxwizard (aka Dr Fox)

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further musings

I have two newsletters for you–

1. the spellbook // wit, wisdom and wiles to help you be a more effective imposter within the mythical ‘future of leadership’.

2. the museletter // intimate longform epistles, wherein I share what’s on my mind, along with glimmers worth attending to.

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