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foxwizard ☾

🦊 Come What May

Today, the first day of May, is as good day as any for you to declare some sort of foolish new habit. A new errant quest to win back the affection of your muse, and to show your daemon who’s in control (probably them). Or perhaps a ridiculous and obviously unsustainable sprint that’ll trick you into breaking your default pattern—allowing you to garner the momentum that otherwise eludes you.

“We’re going streaking!” you decry, not caring who’s with you.*

* As in: the practice of consistently performing a specific action daily, thereby creating a consecutive chain of actions. The goal is to then maintain momentum and keep the chain unbroken. For at least a month. Sidenote: the “Streaks” app is good for tracking this. As is the wall calender the dangerlam made.

Here are three domains I shall be attending to this month.

a farcaster of magic

I’ll be posting on farcaster protocol daily. This... doesn’t come naturally to me, but it’s something I hope to get better at. I’ll be sharing via my own channel on warpcast, which you can follow at

I did something similar a while back on medium, where I set out to write “a post a day” (or something like that). It didn’t last—but there still remain articles I am mostly happy with (like my 12-step guide to appreciating whisky).

Likely this experiment on farcaster will be largely solipsistic and self-indulgent—but with luck it all might transmute into something special. We’ll see. (◕‿◕✿)

writing my grimoire for you

I’ve been working across various countries, clients and contexts this year, which is wonderful—but progress on my next book has stalled. I’ve learned to be okay with this—the path to good writing is non-linear and cannot be forced. Yet still, this month I shall be dedicating at least an hour a day to the book. Probably much more, in practice. But at least an hour—every day.

Even if not a word is written, the time will be dedicated—and I shall feel quite contented at that.

warm twilight brooding

For a while I had a practice of lying upon my deck and watching the stars at night (or sitting by a potted lemon tree at dusk and gazing out to the cityscape) whilst brooding. These contemplations were oft warm with surreptitious obliquity; simply letting the mind wonder whilst lightly tethered to the expansive present. Much as Dr. Martin Shaw alludes to in Navigating The Mysteries.

Yet, in recent times I’ve found myself distracted; mind frazzled and spread thin. I’ve been neglecting this practice—and so this month I rekindle it.

This post is really just for me—a minor act of manifestation. But I share it with you in the hope it might inspire you to contemplate: what might you do—if only for a month—that could be conducive to meaningful progress for you?

// Where to now? //

Thanks for being here · I’m foxwizard (aka Dr Fox)

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🦊 Come What May


🌿 Perfect Days


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1. the spellbook // wit, wisdom and wiles to help you be a more effective imposter within the mythical ‘future of leadership’.

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