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foxwizard ☾

💌 How to act amidst complexity

First: do no harm.

Opening the Purpose Conference 2023, 📸 Elin Bandmann Photography, 👕 E.S.S.

Earlier this month I had the joy of contributing to the wondrous Purpose Conference 2023. My role was that of a wizard-philosopher; peppering the context with provocations so that we might arrive at more meaningful conversations (and insights beyond the default).

It’s taken me longer to write to you than I had hoped, as I have been grappling with the juxtaposition of joyous time with purpose-driven business leaders* at this wondrous event whilst also enduring a horrid six weeks of doom scrolling.

// Where to now? //

Thanks for being here · I’m foxwizard (aka Dr Fox)

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further musings

I have two newsletters for you–

1. the spellbook // wit, wisdom and wiles to help you be a more effective imposter within the mythical ‘future of leadership’.

2. the museletter // intimate longform epistles, wherein I share what’s on my mind, along with glimmers worth attending to.

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