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foxwizard ☾

🔮 Questing for better strategy (webinar)

A rare glimpse behind the scenes of quest leadership.

If you’ve ever wondered how quest leadership works in the context of strategic development—this webinar will be quite illuminating for you. Gerry Lynch, the chief executive of Govn365, was a gracious and astute host, and the questions he asked demonstrate a deep acuity for what’s on the minds of executive leaders. I thoroughly appreciated the opportunity to jam (and occassionally vent) in this generative format—I think you’ll enjoy it, too.

“I have to say that was THE best webinar we have done. [...] A number of people said ‘that was the best hour I spent for a long time’.” – Gerry Lynch, CEO, govn365

Now, backstory: I had already done a zoom meeting that morning. All was fine and well; so I took a break to make some tea. When I came back: my computer had decided to install an update. That’s okay, I thought. But... the seven-minute update took more than half an hour. I had to abandon ship and switch to my laptop, sans studio condenser mic and all the trappings of a wizard who ‘has it together’.

I think I managed it with some aplomb. And so: enjoy the literal ‘behind the scenes’ glimpse into my messy studio.

If you’d like a glimpse into the work I do with those who venture beyond the default, this webinar provides quite some insight.

Thanks again to Gerry and the govn365 team for having me along.

// Where to now? //

Thanks for being here · I’m foxwizard (aka Dr Fox)

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1. the spellbook // wit, wisdom and wiles to help you be a more effective imposter within the mythical ‘future of leadership’.

2. the museletter // intimate longform epistles, wherein I share what’s on my mind, along with glimmers worth attending to.

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