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Dr. Jason Fox

A wizard-philosopher masquerading as a leadership advisor.

bardic savvy

🎭 Down with downlighting

Lights should not be placed in ceilings. For thousands of years we humans have sat by campfires at night. In pre-modern times, we might have lit a torch, or a candle in a sconce. If we were particularly fancy, we would have had a suspended candelabra or chandelier. But only

metamodern wizardry

🧙🏻‍♂️ Moloch media

I have been on a distinctly anti-genocidal bent in recent months, which has been somewhat career-limiting. Instead of using the platform of LinkedIn to humblebrag about my many successes, I have mostly been highlighting the continuing atrocities being committed by Western governments in Gaza, along with the moral depravity of


💌 Do you even leap?

It’s been a while since I wrote to you. Ahoy and, erm: merry solstice, happy calendar new year, happy lunar new year, happy feb 29th, etc. I was desperately trying to find an apppropriate pun for this museletter, given the auspicious date. So desperate, I turned to shoggoth to

quest leadership

💌 It’s okay to signal virtue

In fact: it’s odd not to.

quest leadership

🔮 Questing for better strategy (webinar)

A rare glimpse behind the scenes of quest leadership.

druidic sensibilities

💌 How to act amidst complexity

First: do no harm.

druidic sensibilities

💌 Moral Courage

Is this the standard we accept in society?

fox magic

💌 7 Ways to Be a Better Impostor

Infiltrate with influence.

fox magic

🦊 The lions are back

What is a fox to do?


💌 How do you like *dis* information?

Making sense in the distraction economy.

Have my ravens deliver The Museletter to you, so that you might be a more effective imposter within the mythical ‘future of leadership’. I also share glimmers, cantrips, spells, and other heretical musings.